Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to serve as the "mat crew" for band performances. Special thanks to Brent Fisher for spearheading the effort, and to JA Drum Major Annie Campbell for her effective "tutorial" for the parents handling the mat.
The positive energy and efforts of the parents contributed to a fine performance by the band for the Homecoming crowd before the game Friday.
Thanks also to the parents who responded to our group text message plea for more bottled water. Don't be left out - if you have not yet signed up for Remind101 messages, you can join the group by texting @jaba to (779) 379-3914.
This will be a busy week for the JA Band, with several changes from the usual schedule. Please read and refer to the details below throughout the week. Any unforeseen changes or new information will be passed along via group text message and email.
MONDAY, 10/1 - Rehearsal 2:10 - 4:00
TUESDAY, 10/2 - Early dismissal, Raider Night
12:26 - Students dismissed from school
The band's participation in Raider Night will be to hold rehearsal on the football field, with campus visitors observing.
4:45 - 6:00 - Rifles - Football Field
5:00 - 6:00 - Color Guard - Football Field
5:30 - 6:30 - Percussion - Football Field
6:15 - Horns report
6:30 - 8:00 - Full Band - Football Field
WEDNESDAY, 10/3 - Rehearsal 2:10 - 4:00
THURSDAY, 10/4 - Rehearsal 2:10 - 4:00
FRIDAY, 10/5 - Away football game at Prep - Pregame performance
2:10 - 3:00 - Rehearsal
5:30 - ALL BAND MEMBERS MEET AT PREP - North end zone entrance at our trucks, in uniform (carry jackets). Make sure students have instruments and anything else needed for performance.
6:30 - Pregame Performance of "WHO ARE YOU?"
Drumline will play in the stands for the game, with a break third quarter.
END OF GAME - Parents pick up students at Prep at the north end zone entrance, being sure to check with Mr. or Mrs. Carter before you leave with your student.
The students are excited for the first band competition of the season, with many fine band programs from around the state participating. The schedule for the day:
9:00 - 11:00 - Rehearsal on the football field at JA - Please ensure students arrive early enough to be ready to BEGIN at 9:00. Rehearsal will end at 11:00. Students will be dismissed after equipment is packed for loading.
2:00 - ALL BAND MEMBERS MEET AT CLINTON, in uniform, with everything needed for performance. Details about logistics for dropping off students and parking will be announced later this week.
6:00 - RETREAT
After retreat, parents may pick up students at the designated spot (TBA). Again, be sure to check with Mr. or Mrs. Carter before you leave with your student.
The JA Band Booster magazine sale is underway. Packets were sent home with elementary students last week, and will be distributed this week to band members.
PLEASE do your part to support the sale. The magazine sale has been the MAJOR fundraiser for the Band Boosters since the 1980s, so many community members expect it and are happy to support the band by buying and renewing subscriptions. Not only individuals but also medical offices and other businesses regularly participate.
The JA Band needs your support to continue providing our students the experience they and the campus and community have come to expect. Please do your part!
Caroline Burford visited the JA Preschool this week, demonstrating her flute and playing music for the students. Many of them then spent the remainder of the day playing their pretend flutes. Thank you to Caroline for inspiring these potential future JA Band members.
Several more photos from the Band's participation in Homecoming activities Friday:
OCTOBER 5 - Football game @ Jackson Prep
OCTOBER 6 - Arrow Invitational Band Competition @ Clinton HSOCTOBER 13 - Band Competition @ Pearl HS
OCTOBER 26 - Football game @ Home
OCTOBER 27 - MAIS MARCHING BAND FESTIVAL @ JA - Parent help needed for concessions and logistics
NOVEMBER 9 - Championship Football Game
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