Sunday, August 14, 2011

8/14/11 UPDATE

Thank you to JA Art teacher Chelsea Sekanic and her collaborator Armando for their work painting the prop piano, as pictured above.


Monday - Rehearsal 2:00 - 4:00

Tuesday - Rehearsal 2:00 - 3:00
Color Guard 5:00 - 6:00
5:45 - Report time for All Sports Night activities, in shorts and band show t-shirts. After the introduction of the band on the football field, we will proceed to the gym for rehearsal until 8:00

Wednesday - Rehearsal 2:00 - 4:00

Thursday - Rehearsal 2:00 - 4:00

Friday - Rehearsal 2:00 - 3:00
6:00 - Report for warmup for football game on the parking lot. Guard in shorts and show shirts, band in half uniform (show shirts, uniform bib pants, black socks, black marching shoes)
First & Second Quarters - drumline in stands
Halftime - Competition show - need parent help, see Terri Fisher's request below
Third Quarter - Break - students may visit concessions
Fourth Quarter - Drumline in stands
End of Game - All band members will march together back to the band hall, and will be dismissed when all equipment is put away


Plans are underway for the October 13-16 trip to St. Louis for the Bands of America Super Regional Championship. Look for further details in next week's blog update.

The band will travel to away games at North Lauderdale HS in Meridian on August 26, and to River Oaks School in Monroe, LA on Sept. 2. The band will travel via charter bus, and there will be plenty of room for any family members who wish to ride along. At these away games, the drumline will perform in the stands; we will not be performing the competition show.

The band will also compete at the Southern Stars Invitational band competition at Lewisburg HS, in Olive Branch, on September 24. The performance schedule is still being developed, but it will be an all-day activity. Families are welcome and encouraged to ride the charter bus with the band.

Two volunteer truck drivers are needed for the competition on September 24 and for the St. Louis trip.


I have a few items that need our immediate attention:

1). The weather is still very hot and our band members will be practicing during mid afternoon from now until the end of performance season, late October.  Water is very much needed!  We would appreciate each family purchasing a case or two of bottled water this week and dropping them off at the band hall.   The band students and staff will go through a lot of water each day and I know they will appreciate having the water as refreshment.

2). One of the major props of our band's performance is the field mat.  It must be rolled out before every performance and taken up at the end of every performance.  We need at least 8, possibly 10, people to fulfill this task in order for our band to perform.  This means that these people will need to be at every home game and at the competitions.  So, the more volunteers, the easier it will be on everyone.  To date, we have had three people to volunteer.  Our first show with all the props is Friday, August 19th, at our first home game.  The mat crew will have to practice Tuesday evening at 7:45 in order to be ready for Friday's halftime show.  Come on everyone, especially you Dad's, we need you for this service.  Please let me hear from you ASAP!!

I hope your students(s) has a great first day tomorrow.


August 16 - All Sports Night
August 19 - Home football game v. Presbyterian Christian
August 26 - Away football game @ Northeast Lauderdale
September 2 - Away football game @ River Oaks School
September 9 - Early dismissal, Raider Night, Home football game v. Pillow
September 16 - Homecoming Football game v. Lamar Christian
September 24 - Southern Stars Invitational band competition @ Lewisburg HS
October 7 - Home football game v. Jackson Prep
October 8 - All-day Band Rehearsal
October 13 - 16 - St. Louis BOA trip
October 21 - Home football v. Mag Heights
October 28 - Away football @ MRA
October 29 - MAIS Marching Band Festival
November 4 - Football Playoff Game
November 11 - Football Championship game @ MC
November 12 - MS All-State Lions Band auditions
November 19 - MS All-State Lions Band callbacks

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